Review:No.175140 Word-of-mouth・Review of MURUA Ikebukuro PARCO | Fashion Collect

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No.175140 Review of MURUA Ikebukuro PARCO

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   MURUA Ikebukuro PARCO  [ 2015/03/03 ]

It is getting warm, and I bought a trend maxi long cardigan which I've checked before. The shop was not crowded because I went to the shop on weekday. The shop is so large, and it's easy to walk around. A salesclerk who usually gives me service was not there, so another salesclerk was there for me. All salesclerks are very kind. Every time, I take too much time to choose the one because of my procrastinating personality. By talking with the salesclerk, I could image the style and coordinate color, which helped me to decide the one finally. It is a little difficult to find the shop which is located in basement level. The shop looks light with white color based. The salesclerks are very fashionable, so I think it's easy to get attention.

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