Review:No.175075 Word-of-mouth・Review of ANNA SUI Ikebukuro Sunshine City | Fashion Collect

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No.175075 Review of ANNA SUI Ikebukuro Sunshine City

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   ANNA SUI Ikebukuro Sunshine City  [ 2015/02/28 ]

The brand is my favorite and one of the shop that I always come to buy some clothes. The salesclerk who is always taking care of me is really nice and helps me to choose an item. It seems like she studies a lot, so she can answer my questions immediately. Even if she doesn't know what I ask for, she checks quickly. She always tries hard to get me something I want. So I feel bad, but I'm so satisfied with purchase and want to come here again. Since I always get nice service at the shop, I decided to buy an accessory for a special wedding party. She showed me the accessory that I checked. Also she gets some other accessories from other shops for me, which could be another stock for the shop. Anyway, I was able to buy the one. I felt so bad about her kindness, but the service give customers good impression. I was so happy.

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