Review:No.174642 Word-of-mouth・Review of UNIQLO LaLaport Izumi | Fashion Collect

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No.174642 Review of UNIQLO LaLaport Izumi

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   UNIQLO LaLaport Izumi  [ 2015/02/10 ]

The HeatTech items were amazing half price for the new year sale.
The shop was crowded at 6pm as supper time on 2nd January.
It took me about 20 minutes before I could see the tills while I was in a queue. There were only 4 cashiers attended despite around 8 tills were there. Unbelievable.
It opened in Autumn last year and they should have expected how busy they could be for a new shop. I didn't understand why not all the tills were used. Furthermore, the cashier served me started chatting with another shop assistant next to her while I was putting my purse away. I knew they wanted have a bit of a break as there were so many people queueing up, but I wanted to say there were more customers right in front of you. The cashier didn't even say 'Thank you' to me. When my mum went there just after the shop was opened and asked where the bargain item that was the best item on the day, the staff just said 'It should be around here'.
I recommend you to choose the items by yourself, proceed to the till without thinking anything, then leave as soon as possible.

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