Review:No.174337 Word-of-mouth・Review of Purple&Yellow LaLaport TOKYO BAY | Fashion Collect

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No.174337 Review of Purple&Yellow LaLaport TOKYO BAY

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   Purple&Yellow LaLaport TOKYO BAY  [ 2015/01/29 ]

I entered there without specific aim, cuz I always visit when I went to lalaport. So staffs remember me and always say hi to me. It’s a lovely shop. That day, I was atrracted attention of a set of leopard pattern sweat wear, which a staff wore. Not only they let me only just try it on, but also showed me other items without pressure at that time, so I tried on various wear. I could take a comfort my own time cuz of the crowd. After all I didn’t buy anything the day, but staffs told me with smile, ‘We’re waiting for your next visit!’ and sent me off. I thought I’m gonna visit here again.

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