Review:No.174246 Word-of-mouth・Review of LUMINE Shinjuku 1 | Fashion Collect

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No.174246 Review of LUMINE Shinjuku 1

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Suzu tan
   LUMINE Shinjuku 1  [ 2015/01/12 ]

I went to a bargain sale in LUMINE Shinjuku on January 10th. Of course I went there 10 minutes before the store open and waited for. At that point about 10 people were waiting for opening. 2 of them were going to open the door & enter inside before opening but they couldn’t. I wanted to go to TOMORROW LAND. After the store open, not so many people were there so I could enter smoothly. I found a plaid pants of white cloth. The cloth was thin and not for winter specification, so easy to wear from early spring for long time. I tried it on soon and I like it, but it was still first shop for my shopping so I didn’t buy at that time. I went up the stairs, looked at a shop but couldn’t find good pants. Soon I went back to TOMORROW LAND in a hurry, then I bought the pants. I was worried about sold-out but I could get without any trouble.

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