Review:No.174241 Word-of-mouth・Review of Hiroshima PARCO | Fashion Collect

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No.174241 Review of Hiroshima PARCO

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   Hiroshima PARCO  [ 2015/01/12 ]

I went to a bargain sale in PARCO Hiroshima around 11:00am on January 4th. The bargain sale started from January 2nd so it was not so crowded when I went to there on 4th. At first I went to ROSE BUD in a main building and looked at shoes section, I felt very sorry that I could fine my perfect size of favorite design shoes. Then I headed to new wing around 11:30am, I entered TOMORROW LAND, the customer traffic was not many and shop staffs afforded to wait on me, bargain items were a few, and new items were already arrived. After there I went to United Arrows on 1st floor in new wing, which was more crowded than usual. I found that a pair of pumps I wanted was 20% off, but after all I purchased a knit of blueover, not the pumps. Unfortunately I wasn’t waited on by staffs cuz of a bargain sale, but they did clothing speedy and smoothly, also, their attitude was good.

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