Review:No.174060 Word-of-mouth・Review of Odette e Odile LUMINE Shinjuku | Fashion Collect

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No.174060 Review of Odette e Odile LUMINE Shinjuku

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   Odette e Odile LUMINE Shinjuku  [ 2015/01/12 ]

I can't wear high-heel shoes since I had my kid so I went to Odette e Odile. I often come here to buy shorter ankle-boots. This brand’s shop doesn’t make our legs hurt, in addition many designs are simple so easy to coordinate. My favorite brand! I go to any shop-branches of Odette e Odile and this time I visited Shinjuku one; near from my house. A male staff was there, he communicated with my daughter, who still couldn’t talk, and listened to my talk about how hard childcare is. His great customer service made our talk raised, and lucky, I could find good boots which would look great with me. he recommended it to me, actually. I finished pay and said goodbye to him, he said ‘Please come here again with wearing the boots.’ It was really comfortable shopping. I’m gonna come to this shop branch; Shinjuku from now on.

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