Review:No.174014 Word-of-mouth・Review of 23ku yamatoyashiki Kakogawa | Fashion Collect

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No.174014 Review of 23ku yamatoyashiki Kakogawa

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   23ku yamatoyashiki Kakogawa  [ 2015/01/11 ]

I purchased pants for work. At first I thought I was going to go to a young brand shop which is high value on designs, but I attracted the store manager’s laugher and looking at pants. Then she recommended reasonable pants emphasized on my personality and style. I asked her to send it to me after fixed it, but she worried about shipping charge, then ran and brought it to ask the person in charge to finish fixing within 1 hour. Thanks to her I could do shopping smoothly. I had thought fix in a department store took long time so her flexible service made me happy.

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