Review:No.173916 Word-of-mouth・Review of STUDIOUS LUMINE Ikebukuro | Fashion Collect

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No.173916 Review of STUDIOUS LUMINE Ikebukuro

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   STUDIOUS LUMINE Ikebukuro  [ 2014/12/28 ]

Every bag was high-quality and I couldn't decide, but I could choose a longevity bag (I've used it still now) thanks to a staff's polite customer service. My hope were, large capacity, not burden to shoulder, enough opening width but not too big, etc. She chose items to go along with my those wishes, after that I pared down the candidates with the staff, then, decided the last one. I could do cuz of her friendly polite attitude. Also one of the attractions of this shop is bright and casual atmosphere, so we can visit easily.

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