Review:No.173774 Word-of-mouth・Review of cantwo shinkoshigaya varie | Fashion Collect

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No.173774 Review of cantwo shinkoshigaya varie

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   cantwo shinkoshigaya varie  [ 2014/12/20 ]

I used to long for lucky bags sold every year but couldn't afford them. I then went to buy one with money I earned from my part time job when I was a student.
That was at Cantwo shop I often went in the Shin-Koshigaya station building, VARIE where I bought my very first lucky bag. The shop wasn't very crowded as it was a few days later from the new year's day and I could take time to look around.
I told a shop assistant that was the first time to come for lucky bags and she kindly helped me to choose it, checking inside, telling me that was highly recommended and having a conversation like 'What kind of styles you normally like wearing?' etc.
They only had one sort of lucky bag sold for 3,000yen and they had 5-6 items each, knit wears, bottoms, scarves, accessories and so on.
I told her that I preferred a pair of trousers to a skirt and I like being cool rather than cute.
I was going to buy one without looking inside but that shop assistant was kind enough to show the contents which none of them would disappointed me! I left the shop, kind of excited. I was so happy to be able to buy my first lucky bag from this shop♪

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