Review:No.173611 Word-of-mouth・Review of MURUA Sendai Forus | Fashion Collect

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No.173611 Review of MURUA Sendai Forus

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   MURUA Sendai Forus  [ 2014/12/09 ]

One of the major brand for fairly cute items is MULUA. Their items are cool but cute so can be worn by anyone whatever their styles are.
The lucky bag from MULUA in 2014 was10,000yen but it had the items worth 30,000yen, That was good value for money.
In many cases, when you buy a lucky bag, you'll get something you'll never use or something which doesn't go with your style. I prefer plain monotone colours to vivid colours so just prayed for my bag not having colourful items. I was even thinking to sell unwanted items at an online auction.
I opened it when I got home, it had a jacket, a cardigan and a long T-shirt as well as varieties of small items.
I liked all of them and I was surprised at the contents, 10,000yen was too good to be true.
Not only having generous 5 items but also included a jacket.
They were plain and basic but I could use all of them so I'm buying again this year.

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