Review:No.173511 Word-of-mouth・Review of LANVIN en Bleu SOGO Yokohama | Fashion Collect

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No.173511 Review of LANVIN en Bleu SOGO Yokohama

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   LANVIN en Bleu SOGO Yokohama  [ 2014/12/05 ]

LANVIN EN BLEU is a shop from the French famous brand and they are for younger generations. The items like T-shirs with their familiar Black tape on or their logos are casually worn but they have luxurious taste, I like the designs from LANVIN EN BLEU and I often pop in to have a look.
I bought a hair accessories in their Yokohama Sogo shop the other day for one of my friends who also likes this brand. The staff was nice and kind, gave me some advice when I couldn't decide between a hair scrunchy or head band.
That branch is on 3rd floor in Yokohama Sogo. Although the shop is not in front, you should find it easily after going up on the main escalator. Sogo had some hair accessories from LANVIN EN BLEU at their own small items' section on the ground floor, but the shop assistant said they were different lines from LANVIN shop.
There are some other shops that sell LANVIN EN BLEU items, but not so many shops for clothes. I will probably go again when I want to buy some clothes.

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