Review:No.173040 Word-of-mouth・Review of MURUA KOHRINBO109 | Fashion Collect

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No.173040 Review of MURUA KOHRINBO109

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   MURUA KOHRINBO109  [ 2014/10/22 ]

I went to MURUA the other day as I wanted to buy a pair of trousers that I saw at an online shop. As soon as I went in, I saw the staff wearing the trousers I wanted. They looked so pretty and I wanted them badly.
When I was looking at the trousers, the staff offered me a fitting room and I tried them on. I thought they fitted me but the staff said I should have gone for one size down as they would make me look slender, so I tried them on as well. As her suggestion, the smaller size one looked nicer and perfectly fitted me so I bought that pair! I thought the staff's advice can't be ignored, I was pleased with the purchase.

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