SUZUTAN review - Fashion Collect

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Review list of SUZUTAN

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  SUZUTAN Tanashi asta

When I did shopping in SUZUTAN Tanashi-asta in the end of year, a shop assistant told me that I could get 500yen discounted-coupon if I reserved a lucky bag of 2015. It meant 5,000yen’s lucky bag became 4,500yen, also the bag had a coat. I thought it’s absolutely valuable. The number of lucky bags was limited so I reserved one then and there. I could chose elegant type or cool type, then I chose elegant one. The year began, around 11:00am on January 2nd, I went and bought the reserved lucky bag. The shop looked more crowded than usual because of New Year. The lucky bag’s design was also cute so I was looking forward to opening it at home. When I opened the lucky bag, there were a coat, 2 cut-sews, a blouse and a stole. All of them were so cute that became my favorite. Especially the coat! The proper price was 10,000yen, also the color was beige. I was quite lucky! This shop has many cute clothes and staffs customer service were always great, so I want to keep buying clothes here.

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