S.I2.C general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

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: 3.0  -  Point:5,227 pt (Ranking 10,557)

About S.I2.C

S.I2.C is fashion brand which it was founded by in japan.

Related Reviews  - S.I2.C -

   S.I2.C sunshinecity alpa

This shop have large inside and abundant line-up so easy to do shopping. Also, there are many types clothes like lovely, casual, work or dressy, so easy to find what we want. It means we never make wrong coordination if we choose clothes from same category items, so we can do shopping easily. Shop staffs don’t give us too much customer service and answer politely when we speak to them. I purchased a stole with good price for my acquaintance wedding party this time. We can get items more reasonable than other dress specialty shop. I could be satisfied with shopping.

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