Ray Cassin general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

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Ray Cassin

JP / EN ]
Ray Cassin
Japan  - Tokyo-to (1994-)
Ray Cassin CO,.LTD 
Main item
Web site

Official : http://www.raycassin.jp/raycassin/

Online shop : http://www.store-raycassin.jp/


Twitter  : https://twitter.com/RayCassin_tw

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/RayCassin.fanpage

: 2.5  -  Point:7,348 pt (Ranking 926)

About Ray Cassin

Ray Cassin is fashion brand which it was founded by Ray Cassin CO,.LTD in japan(Tokyo-to) in 1994 and it is 30 years since the establishment. Item is Trench coat, Stall, Half coat, Muffler, Mods coat.

Related Reviews  - Ray Cassin -

   Ray Cassin atre Kichijoji

I went in this shop for the first time when I wanted some Summer clothes on the way home from work, and the staff was very nice. When I said that I wanted to try on some clothes, she politely led me to the fitting room. The casual clothes were lined up in the shop and they looked cute. There seemed that many customers were between teens to in their 20's. I want to go there again as it had an atmosphere that it was easy to talk to the staff. It might be a bit difficult to find the shop as it's among many shops, but not so many shops are selling casual clothing and you should be able to find it.

   Ray Cassin LUMINE Tachikawa

I often go to this shop. There are always a few shop assistants who are watching and well serving customers.
When I bought a jacket before, I was thinking about it and a shop assistant came to talk to me, she then chose a pair of trousers and shoes for the jacket. Their customers' preferences must be all different but she recommended the items I liked perhaps based on what I was wearing then. She said she also liked that co-ordination, so she may have the same fashion taste as mine. The style of this brand used to be cool but it's changing to cute taste in a last few years.
It must be difficult to the shop assistants to accommodate it, but they always display mannequins in pretty co-ordination and it's my favourite shop I can't help popping in.


I went to RAYCASSIN Yokohama Joinus branch the other day.
After I went round the floor then decided to go back to the shop I spotted earlier. The staff was very nice when I went back.
I was looking at 2 different tops and that shop assistant casually came to me suggesting that 2 together would be also pretty. I liked the idea and decided to buy both straight away.
I had a pushchair with me and my little daughter started crying when I was at the till but the shop assistant came to cheer her up and talk to me. She was very nice. I want to go again.

The shop is on 6th floor in Lucua, towards the back after got off West side lift. Many shops in Lucua are slightly expensive but this one is reasonable (3,000-7,000yen) and easier to go in for students;
There are loose-fluffy style and the shop itself is in pale colours.
I often go to this shop and I think they have many clothes with less patterns that you can easily co-ordinate. The shop assistants suggest their co-ordinations quite often I happen to buy many clothes.

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