RANDA general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

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JP / EN ]
Japan  - Osaka-fu
JB Co.ltd. 
Main item
Web site

Official : http://www.randa.jp/shop/default.aspx

Online shop : http://www.kobe-randa.com/


Twitter  : https://twitter.com/randa_tweets

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/RANDA.shoes

: 3.0  -  Point:6,762 pt (Ranking 3,417)


RANDA is fashion brand which it was founded by JB Co.ltd. in japan(Osaka-fu). Item is Flare skirt, blouse, Shorts, Shirt, Pants.

Related Reviews  - RANDA -

   RANDA namba city

Although I used to go to the other shop in Shinsaibashi Shopping Street, I now go to this shop after I found it in CITY. There are many really cute shoes. We can find feminine shoes that are suitable to any TPO. I bought a pair of pumps the other day and I got nice compliment at a girls' drinking party. It's also attractive that there are many comfortable shoes, despite being cute. Furthermore the price is reasonable. I once found the similar pair to the high brands item and these were more comfortable to walk.

I found a pair of Black pumps I liked.
I also found coveralls that suited the shoes and bought 2 of them. The shoes from RANDA are nice in both designs and functions and I often bought them online but I'd never been to the shop, so it was a good experience.
I was pleased that there were many clothes, not only shoes. A shop assistant told me about their events and sale and I wanted to come again on their sale day!

   RANDA Sapporo stellarplace

They opened a branch in STELLAR PLACE a few years ago.
I was glad as this brand was often featured in magazines.
The shop is near Seven-Eleven on the basement floor. My shoe size is rather large but they have many varieties of shoes in large size as well. I'm pleased. They have almost anything to sheep skin boots from pumps, flats. They provide chairs for fitting as well as large mirrors to check our styles. It's easy to look around, find what you want, try on and shop.


I always by my shoes from RANDA. The designs are pretty and I don't think my feet get tired, perhaps because of the padded insoles. There are varieties of designs from casual, girlie to pumps that can be worn at work. The shop is big and easy to look around. I bought a pair of suede booties for Autumn/Winter time. They are so comfortable and I guess I'll wear them a lot.

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