NARS general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

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JP / EN ]
America (1994-)
Francois Nars 
Main item
Web site

Official :

Online shop : Same as Official web-site


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: 3.5  -  Point:5,828 pt (Ranking 7,699)

About NARS

NARS is fashion brand which it was founded by Francois Nars in america in 1994 and it is 30 years since the establishment.

Related Reviews  - NARS -

I used to use cheap make up items but I went to cosmetic section in Tobu department store when I turned in my mid 20's. Everything looked same to me and I thought they were just expensive, I was going home. Then I popped in NARS that a friend of mine was using.
As usual, a shop assistant started talking to me but I was just nodding without any intention.
She then brought foundation that looked nice on me straight away so I decided to listen to her. We had a chat and got closer. She came from Shinjuku shop to cover that day and gave me her card. I promised going to Shinjuku shop next time. I bought a set of foundation, blusher, highlighter powder, face shadow, base coat and a brush.

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