Miu Miu general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

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Miu Miu

JP / EN ]
Miu Miu
Italy (1993-)
Miuccia Prada 
Miuccia Prada 
Main item
Web site

Official : http://www.miumiu.com/ja?cc=JP

Online shop : http://store.miumiu.com/ja/JP?&code=box2_denim_biker


Twitter  : https://twitter.com/miumiuofficial

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/MiuMiu

: 4.7  -  Point:6,401 pt (Ranking 5,063)

About Miu Miu

Miu Miu is fashion brand which it was founded by Miuccia Prada in italy in 1993 and it is 31 years since the establishment. Item is Gloves, Sunglasses, Glasses, blouse, Shirt.

Related Reviews  - Miu Miu -

   Miu Miu SOGO Chiba

The female staff was beautiful and friendly. I could buy what I liked as she explained about the items in details. Although I usually dislike shop assistants who come to talk to me while shopping and I soon run away from them, the staff here was nice and wonderful.

I went there first time to buy a wallet as a school admission gift. I always peeked from outside when I passed by PARCO but I wasn't brave enough to go in as they looked expensive.
The shop assistant took the items one at a time very cautiously and explained about leather variations.
There were many other customers in the shop but I wasn't left alone and I was very happy with their customer service standard.

   Miu Miu ISETAN Shinjuku

I went there to buy a coin purse!
I was keen on the function as well as the design so I was looking at several items. A shop assistant kindly helped me. I bought one with clasp but I was a bit worried if the clasp part would get loose so asked her. I was then told that it came with a warranty.
It was already the shop closing time when notice, but she never show any grumpy face, served me until I left, I could buy what I liked!

   Miu Miu aoyama

MIUMIU Aoyama shop is a big stand-alone shop and in general it has a chic atmosphere as the items are easy to look at.
The staff has a good timing to talk to us so we can enjoy shopping. Particularly we can shop relaxing on weekdays and you can satisfy with your purchase as you can take time to select items compare to other shops in department stores.

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