LIP SERVICE general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

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Japan  - Tokyo-to (2003-)
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: 2.5  -  Point:5,446 pt (Ranking 9,536)


LIP SERVICE is fashion brand which it was founded by in japan(Tokyo-to) in 2003 and it is 21 years since the establishment. Item is Bolero, Belt, Dolman knit, Swimsuit, Trench coat.

Related Reviews  - LIP SERVICE -

   LIP SERVICE carino tenmonkan

I like LIP SERVICE and often go there, I like the staff a lot. I always want to copy her fashion as she is cute and fashionable. She is smaller side and has similar figure to mine so it's easy to copy. She is also friendly and gives me various coordination ideas. She is good at using small items and I often buy something like necklaces. I bought a pouch with the logo the other day. She chose the colour that suited me. I tend to go to the shop to see her. My favourite brand and the fantastic staff, I can't help going there.


I purchased the water color flower setup and the border lined setup. I have been keeping my eyes on these two setups for a long time, so I decided to visit the store. It was actually cuter that what I have seen on the website so I decided to buy. They had a several color variations, and I decided on one after talking with the store associates for about 30 minutes. I think it was a great buy because the store associates looked carefully about me, and chose the color for me. I spent over 16,000 yen so I received room-wears as a novelty goodies. I like Lip Service and I often buy from them, but this store in Shinjuku was particularly great on customer service and I even like them more. I will try my best to dress nicely.

   LIP SERVICE umeda Est

I often buy clothes from LIP SERVICE as I like the mature-gal type fashion with vivid image.
I didn't have many Spring/Summer clothes so I bought 2 tops and 2 pairs of trousers. The staff was very fashionable and had nice make up on, I could learn the nice co-ordination from her. She replied with smile when I talked to her and she was very helpful when I need some advice for co-ordination etc. The inside has a chic atmosphere and you don't get others staring at you even when you are on your own, you can easily shop there.


I went in LIP SERVICE on 4th floor in PARCO as I fell in love with the clothes when I travelled to Hiroshima for the first time.
Although I had never been there before, the clothes looked cute and a bit sexy so me and my friend were thinking what to get, then a shop assistant came to tell us about the popular items and the feature on what she was wearing! I bought a same combo as hers! I liked the shop as it had shoes and accessories apart from clothes. I want to go there again!

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