ENFÖLD general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

Fashion Collect of fashion information


JP / EN ]
Japan  - Tokyo-to (2012-)
Mizuki Ueda 
Mizuki Ueda 
Main item
Web site

Official : http://www.enfold.jp/

Online shop : http://www.enfold.jp/onlinestore/index.cfm


Twitter  : https://twitter.com/ENFOLD_JP

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/enfold.jp

: 4.0  -  Point:7,844 pt (Ranking 128)


ENFÖLD is fashion brand which it was founded by Mizuki Ueda in japan(Tokyo-to) in 2012 and it is 12 years since the establishment.

Related Reviews  - ENFÖLD -

   ENFÖLD Tamakawa Takashimaya

This one piece that I fell in love at the first sight was on the magazine so I visited the store to buy one. All of the one piece were sold out online but on the store, they carried all colors in stock. I often visit this store since the store associates are nice and had a great impression on them. I always get the hints from the classy fashion that the store associates wear. It is located in the first floor of Takashimaya in Futako-Tamagawa, and easy to go. They had toys for kids, and had sofa to sit. The store associates were very kind to kids and I think any mom with kids can also enjoy shopping.

I bought a shirt dress with knit top attached. Because it was a bit expensive, I wasn't sure whether I should buy it. However I bought it in the end as the design was very cute.
The dress was made in Japan using soft materials and the bottom half of the back was in silk, I could feel luxurious touch. It looked nice and suitable for daily use for being well functioned.
It was made with longer sleeves to suit people with long arms.
Normally arm's movement is limited by sleeves on shirts, but this dress had a slight fluffy sleeves to allow plenty of the room for easy movement, it was very comfortable without feeling any tensions when bending arms.
I love clothes from this shop as they are in nice designs with functionally well made. Also the shop assistants are very kind and explain the items' features one by one, so I love those clothes even more after listening to the process of making and their quality! The shop assistants and clothes are both nice.

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