BURBERRY BLUE LABEL general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

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JP / EN ]
Japan  - Tokyo-to (1996-)
Main item
Web site

Official : http://www.burberry-bluelabel.com

Online shop : https://jp.burberry.com/


Twitter  :

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/pages/バーバリーブルーレーベル/100741170064488

: 4.0  -  Point:6,108 pt (Ranking 6,417)


BURBERRY BLUE LABEL is fashion brand which it was founded by SANYO SHOKAI Ltd. in japan(Tokyo-to) in 1996 and it is 28 years since the establishment. Item is Knit Dress, Studded belt, Stall, Buckle, Muffler.

Related Reviews  - BURBERRY BLUE LABEL -

I went to BURBERRY to buy a trench coat I had dreamed of, after I heard a rumour that the brand would close all the shops in Japan. I found out that was my misunderstanding and the BURBERRY logo would be taken off BLUE LABEL items but they would remain in Japan.
The service was good and the staff explained the difference between BURBERRY and BLUE LABEL, then I tried the trench coat on.
She was nice and even suggested saying 'It's BURBERRY upstairs, why don't you have a look the items by yourself?'. I can't normally afford them but I want to go there to get a dress next time.


I just looked around to look for a sweater last year, I reached this shop. There was a staff wearing a sweater. Her sweater was so cute that fell in love at first sight. Soon I ran up to her and asked 'Do you have the stock still now?' Then I tried it on, it was great. The price was a bit expensive but I got bonus so purchased immediately. I'd never encounter the sweater if she didn't wear it. I wear it carefully still now.


I went shopping when I got my Winter bonus last year. I didn't have anything particular in mind, but I fell in love with a Black jumper in BURBERRY BLUE LABEL when I just popped in.
I took the jumper to the mirror to see if it would fit me, then a shop assistant who was wearing the same jumper came along and started talking to me. I liked the jumper better as I saw her, I went to a fitting room as she led me. I can't help buying clothes once trying on so went to the till straight away. It wasn't long since I came into the shop. I think I happen to find the one I like when I have nothing in mind.

Its totally bright and easy to go in. The staff looks nice and fashionable, I think many of them are pretty. They don't follow customers around so you can take time to choose the items on your own.
Each item is put with enough gap between them and they are easy to look. The shop is easy to find as it's on your right hand side just after the upwards escalator.

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