BUFFALO BOBS general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

Fashion Collect of fashion information


JP / EN ]
Japan  - Tokyo-to (1995-)
Main item
Web site

Official : http://www.buffalobobs.co.jp/

Online shop : http://www.buffalo-bobs.com/


Twitter  : https://twitter.com/buffalobobs1995

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/buffalobobs.co.jp

: 4.0  -  Point:5,652 pt (Ranking 8,537)


BUFFALO BOBS is fashion brand which it was founded by in japan(Tokyo-to) in 1995 and it is 29 years since the establishment. Item is Parker, Shirt, Knit cardigan, Jacket, Cut sew.

Related Reviews  - BUFFALO BOBS -


I buy there when I go to Tokyo from Minami-Izu once or twice a month. I haven't met other shop assistants properly but Mr Y served me for the last 3 visits. I can take time for shopping as he politely explains for the items that I like. It's comfortable because he never sticks with me, never been insistent or doesn't give just fake compliment. I appreciate Mr Y for his friendly and polite service. Although the items from this brand are a kind of 'Big Brother' style and I'm not such type, my fashion style range has expanded by Mr Y's help.

fukubukuro no tanoshimikata ha sabaibaru
   kawaramachi OPA

I went to our first bargain in 2015 with my friends in OPA in Kawaramachi, Kyoto. Our purpose was la ucky bag!! Every year I play a game named ‘survival lucky bag’ with my friends. The game is, we buy only 1 lucky bag together, then play the game of Rock-paper-scissors. Winner takes 1items in order. We bought a lucky bag in Buffalo Bobs. It had outers, shirts, pants and so on. Gorgeous line-up! After the game with my friends, I could get pants and a shirt. We play this scramble by a lucky bag every year, it is like a trial of luck of New Year’s day. Lucky bags have ‘lucky’ items or ‘unlucky’ items, so this play; ‘survival lucky bag’ is exciting and fun for us. And more, I can enjoy it at a low budget! Next year, we are plan to try expensive items with my friends.

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