Bou Jeloud general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

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Bou Jeloud

JP / EN ]
Bou Jeloud
Japan  - Fukuoka-ken (2000-)
JAC Trading Co,. Ltd. 
Main item
Web site

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Facebook :ブージュルード-Bou-Jeloud/160691714055225

: 2.5  -  Point:6,414 pt (Ranking 5,007)

About Bou Jeloud

Bou Jeloud is fashion brand which it was founded by JAC Trading Co,. Ltd. in japan(Fukuoka-ken) in 2000 and it is 24 years since the establishment.

Related Reviews  - Bou Jeloud -


I bought a tunic length blouse in botanical pattern. I happened to buy it as I fell in love with it on the mannequin display at the first sight while I was window shopping. I often buy at this shop and there are more customers compared to other shops even around lunch time on weekdays. There are wide varieties of items, from casual style to party clothes. The bags and shoes were also fairly cute. There always seemed to be 2-3 shop assistants, and they were reasonably talking to customers and I could take time to choose the item. The wide range of age group of customers between in their 20's and 50's seemed to be coming to this shop.

   Bou Jeloud AEON MALL Nogata

I bought a trousers in camouflage pattern at this shop the other day.
I wanted and was looking for them for a long time and found what exactly I wanted. When I was going to try them on, a shop assistant came in the perfect timing and she introduced the trousers in different colours. I felt it was thoughtful.
I'm currently pregnant and I need time to get changed but she said 'Please take time', so I could shop feeling good. It was the first time to go there but I want to go again.

The shop has many elegance-casual styles and they are so cute.
I was looking for a dress for my friend's wedding and I couldn't find any with right length, but I found what I wanted here so purchased it. A shop assistant was very kind and gave me an advice what to wear with it.

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