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as know as de base

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as know as de base
Japan  - Tokyo-to
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: 3.5  -  Point:8,124 pt (Ranking 84)

About as know as de base

as know as de base is fashion brand which it was founded by AS KNOW AS CO,. LTD. in japan(Tokyo-to).

Related Reviews  - as know as de base -

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I often shop at as know as de base. It would be summer soon, so this time I bought a half sleeves top and a skirt. A lot of stores sell denim shirts, but this store make their denim in particular way and they had designs or shapes that the other stores did not have and I liked it. And this year, just like last year, the lace fabric is trendy, and they had a lot of tops and bottoms with laces and they were all cute so I bought a lot of them.

When I was looking for a trench coat gipsy, I found this shop. I was attracted to the price 12,800 yen, and I decided to walk in the shop. They have basic color beige but also pink and dark blue. I was exited to meet a variety of colors. There are 2 sizes for each color. I think that customers of a wide age range enjoy shopping in this shop. I bought a beige coat, and I think I'll wear it a lot for this spring. They also have lots of pants and shirts, so I want to buy next time.

I bought a Green cardigan and White skirt.
The items from this shop are simple and unique each and I love them.
The price is a bit high but I can always satisfy with my purchase and wear them over the long time of period. The co-ordination advice from the shop assistants is also helpful. The shop is rather small but I feel I can stay for hours, looking around pretty clothes. I want to go again as I haven't been there for a while.

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