any FAM review - Fashion Collect

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any FAM

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Review list of any FAM

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  any FAM AEON Koriyamafesta

The attitudes from some shop assistants were too bad. I don't want to go close to that shop when that particular shop assistant is in. I think she should serve customers with consideration. I thought it was only me but actually to everybody, it's too bad.

  any FAM AEON Shirakawanishigo

The store associates' advise are highly helpful.

  any FAM AEON MALL mikawa

I was pregnant until recently and bought a coat that I could wear during pregnancy and after giving birth.
The staff brought 3 different types of coats and checked if they showed my bump too much? then chose one that suited me. Coats were not cheap in general and the price was vary, however she didn't recommend expensive item and kindly chose based on my request. There were kids' clothes as well and we could buy clothes for both mums and kids for various ceremonies such as admissions and graduations.
There are many nice and chic clothes with pretty bows and laces tempted ladies' mind. Most kids' items are in pastel colours. Many shop assistants are mums in their 30's and give us some advice based on their experience.

  any FAM Totsuka Modi

I bought some tops and skirt for my daughter, mainly from items at the sale.
The inside was bright and looked lovely, quite busy with mums and kids (mainly girls).
When I couldn't decide the colours, the shop assistant told me which colours were trendy and chose the ones that suited my daughter. I wanted to buy some clothes for my son but there weren't many for boys so didn't buy anything that time.


I bought a down waistcoat (made by suede-like fabric). It was 30% off at the sale.
I was pleased to be able to buy it cheaper as I liked it for a while.
It wasn't so busy in the morning despite the sale period, so the staff taught me some co-ordination ideas.
I can wear it in various styles as she kindly gave me some advice..

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